Creating for creatives.
Tough brief. Advertise advertising. Clemenger's client, TAFE SA needed to sell an advertising course to a room of prospective clued-in students. You've gotta get a little loose on the look so we had this idea that becoming an ad person was putting yourself on the page. Brain paint. Done. Love it. Then the whole thing took shape, big, catchy, mashy, bright imagery, some beautifully written copy, experimenting with type flow and made as eye-catchy as possible. So side A is full smash-y'in-the-face A1 poster, though folds down to a multi-reveal A5 flyer. They flew off the shelves, why wouldn't they. Not being happy with the vibrance of ordinary inks, this was printed in regular four colour CMYK process, though each of the cyan, magenta and yellow inks were substituted for fluroescent blue, pink & yellow inks, so there's no saturation effects applied here.
TAFE SA Advertising course promotional brochure/poster/exhibit design // Agency: Clemenger BBDO Adelaide // Client: TAFE SA // Creative Directors: Greg Knagge & Geoff Robertson, Copywriter: Jason Hollamby Client Service: Courtney Stables, Producer: Kirsty Allison.